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Lookalike companies
Lookalike companies

Discover how to find lookalike companies via our Filters.

Laura van Belleghem avatar
Written by Laura van Belleghem
Updated over a week ago

Introduction to Lookalikes

Lookalikes in Bizzy's Filters is an AI-powered filter designed to help you find companies similar to a set of up to 5 businesses you consider as benchmarks.

Bizzy analyses the content on companies’ websites and finds others with similar topics, offering you a curated list of potential prospects.

Selecting Base Companies

To start using Lookalikes:

  1. Navigate to Search and click on +Add Filter.

  2. Choose AI-powered Filters and select the Lookalikes option.

  3. Here, you can input up to 5 companies. These companies should be similar to each other, as Bizzy's AI will find lookalikes for each and then present you with a list that intersects across all your selected companies.

💡 Tip: Select up to 5 companies that are similar to each other.

Refining Your Search with Filters

To fine-tune your search, you can add additional filters like location or revenue. These filters help in narrowing down the list to companies that not only match your base companies in terms of website content but also fit specific firmographic or financial criteria you find important.

Understanding Search Scope

After selecting your base companies, choose your "Search Scope":

  • Targeted: Focuses closely on companies very similar to your base selections.

  • Balanced: Offers a moderate range of similarity, providing a broader yet relevant selection.

  • Broad: Expands your search to include a wider array of companies, increasing diversity in the results.

💡 Tip: To show only the most relevant results the broad search scope is limited to 5000 companies.

Interpreting the AI Match Score

In your results table, you'll notice an "AI Match" score. This score quantifies how similar each listed company is to your base companies, based on the AI's analysis of website content topics. A higher score indicates a closer match to your selected profiles.

Saving and Using Your Results

Once you've identified lookalike companies that meet your criteria, you can save these to a new list or add them to an existing one for further action or analysis.

💡 Tip: Refine and experiment with your base company selections and filters for the most effective use of the Lookalikes feature.


Why can't I select some companies in the Lookalikes filter?

When selecting your base companies for the Lookalikes filter, it's important to note that only companies with active websites can be chosen.

Bizzy's AI analyses the content on these websites to identify lookalike companies. Therefore, businesses without an online presence are not eligible for this feature.

Ensure that your selected companies have a significant website presence for the most effective and accurate results.

How are Lookalike companies matched?

Bizzy AI identifies lookalikes based on the topics mentioned on their websites. Add filters like Location or Revenue to fine-tune your search.

Will I get more results if I add 5 companies to the Lookalikes filter compared to only 1 company?

No. You will get less results, because Bizzy AI will find lookalikes that mach with all the companies you selected. Also, in your results table, you'll notice an "AI Match" score. This score quantifies how similar each listed company is to all your base companies.

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